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Nane Kahle

Nane Kahle

Singer, Performing Artist, Doula, Ancient Egyptian Yogi, Musician, Event Manager

Pronous: they, she, he
Booking Base: Berlin

Nane’s biochemistry background ties in with her strong connection to nature, myth-making and ancestral knowledge preservation. This innate curiosity is reflected in her work, which aims to create empowering environments for marginalised voices to be seen and heard. Born in France, Nane’s practice brings awareness to the ritualistic contexts that exist in different cultural groups across Africa. Geographic separations are connected through shared encounters with elements, choreographies, mask making and the characters of forgotten gods. This multi-dimensional practice, paired with a broad spectrum of influences, including yoga, doula, music and events, makes Nane a unique addition to any kind of project, from exhibitions to modelling, singing and movement (music videos, dance, yoga and sport).

SLT SPACE is a branch of Studio Levi dedicated to making performance and film sets safer, diverse and more inclusive. Through SLT SPACE, we represent the underrepresented, showcase multidisciplinary artists, amplify diverse voices and create safe spaces in front of and behind the camera.